
Join us as we walk through the impact that VM0048 is set to have on REDD+ projects, and how project originators can prepare for the changes.


Our carbon standards experts will break down:

  • How VM0048 is changing the origination process
  • Why Verra made the move to jurisdictional baselines
  • How deforestation risk maps are created and used for baseline calculations
  • What is the potential impact on project additionality and how you can prepare


Using Kenya as a real-life case study – a country with significant growth potential in the Forestry and Land use projects – we’ll be sharing how a new project could be impacted under the new methodology.

Watch on-demand


Dr Alexis Moyer

Customer Solutions Lead

Dr. Alexis Moyer is a remote sensing scientist with expertise in combining satellite and field-based data to provide innovative solutions to complex environmental problems. She has a PhD in Environmental Sciences from the University of Edinburgh, where she used satellite data to explore the impact of climate change in the Arctic. As the Customer Solutions Lead at Space Intelligence, Alexis explores ways satellite data can be used to provide insight and support for nature-based solutions and nature-positive financial decision-making.

Dr Sophie Flack-Prain

Reporting and Insights Lead

Sophie is the reporting and insights lead at Space Intelligence, working to link VCU standards and methodologies to high quality science and nature mapping data. Until recently, she worked as a senior mapping scientist, leading the generation of jurisdictional scale landcover maps. She has extensive experience harnessing remote sensing data and machine learning approaches.

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