Our web platform
A web platform is the ideal tool to help track the status of a project area.
At Space Intelligence, we understand that our clients need accurate, timely data in a way that’s easy to digest. Our web platforms are bespoke to every client, offering a range of data and a range of reports.
We are also aware that many stakeholders in a forest project will not have any scientific expertise or Geographic Information Systems (GIS) skills. Therefore we have designed our web platforms to show intuitive, visual representations of project areas, in a way that’s easy to share.
We make it possible to switch between contextual layers, carbon maps or habitat maps so that you can build a narrative of what is occurring in any given area. As new data becomes available, the platforms can be easily updated so that you can always make informed business decisions.
This is a web platform we created for Green Gold Forestry Peru’s project area. It illustrates the change in above ground biomass between the years of 2020 and 2022. Read more about it here.
All our products, including the web platforms, are designed by expert scientists with extensive experience in the field and in cutting edge technologies. With over 100 peer-reviewed publications, our team draws on this pool of expertise to gather the data and present it in the most accurate and user-friendly way possible.
Our data analysis and insights are being used to underpin projects under leading standards, like the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS Verra).
Our goal is to be the world’s leading provider of nature data – we are already the leader in above-ground biomass mapping.
We support climate change mitigation by providing the data needed to measure environmental performance in a fully transparent way. We particularly work with nature-based solutions and the whole team is passionate about being part of the solution to climate change.
To find out more about our web platforms, contact us.